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Appalachian Intrigue
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Appalachian Intrigue
iUniverse, Inc.
Appalachian Intrigue
Copyright © 2012 by Archie Meyers.
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To those who love the magnificent mountains of southeast Tennessee
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
A gunshot shattered the early evening calm, and a body tumbled awkwardly onto the grimy sidewalk. The intermingled echoes of the muzzle blast and bloodcurdling scream were still ping-ponging between the buildings as the shooter’s car quickly careened around a corner and disappeared.
The ambush in River City, Tennessee, was the continuation of a series of violent acts that had taken place in recent months in the picturesque community snuggled between the mountains and the river. Everyone living there was familiar with the stories of nefarious characters who supposedly roam the surrounding mountains at night. It is often difficult to separate fact from myth; even if the stories are more myth than fact, they are frightening enough to keep rational adults away after dark. The only ones not deterred by the stories are the city’s hormone-driven teenagers. The mountain’s long-abandoned logging roads are the first stop for each successive generation of teenage lovers with newly minted driver’s licenses.
One of the paradoxical things about nature is that what is beautiful one day may be lethal the next. A serene tropical island can become a hurricane-ravaged coast. A spectacular snow-capped peak can suddenly erupt and bury a village in molten lava. And in the breathtakingly beautiful southern Appalachians, nightfall can create perfect cover for a deadly assault.
However, even those who fear the mountains at night celebrate their beauty when dawn lifts the menacing veil and erases the shadows. Every morning, throngs of visitors pour into the city to enjoy the splendor of the heavily wooded mountains, florally resplendent valley, and wide, navigable river. When nature merges so much beauty into a single panoramic landscape, it is a magnet for tourists, and River City is nature’s beneficiary.
The city enjoys a thriving tourist industry across three of the four seasons of the year; not many show up in winter. They start flooding the city in early spring when flowers emerge in the valley and mountain laurel and rhododendron first bloom on the mountain. They continue coming in summer to enjoy hiking in the mountains and boating on the river. While each season is characterized by its own beauty and uniqueness, the absolute pinnacle of River City’s tourist season occurs in the fall. It is the time when the mountain’s multicolored foliage briefly flaunts its autumn brilliance just before surrendering to the drab, lifeless color of winter.
Dex and Marie had recently become the most recognizable couple in River City. It wasn’t a distinction they had coveted; they would prefer to have it bestowed on others. It had come with too high a price in agony and heartbreak. But tonight, they were putting all of that behind them and taking a risk by going to dinner at a downtown restaurant.
It would be the first time they had ventured out in public together since her recent release from the hospital following a brutal assault. Her assailant still had not been apprehended, and the police had warned them about the possibility of a subsequent attack. But their desperate need to be together trumped the warning and their fear.
Although the first frost foretelling the coming of winter to the southern Appalachians was still several weeks away, there was a noticeable nip in the air. It was a beautiful fall afternoon during the peak of the tourist season. When Dex and Marie arrived at the restaurant, the day-trip tourists were clogging the streets and had taken every nearby parking space. Dex and Marie choose to forego the restaurant’s valet service, and the first parking space they found was on a back street several blocks away. Dex squeezed into the space, and they walked back to the restaurant.
As twilight blanketed the valley, they were enjoying a leisurely alfresco dinner on the restaurant’s deck suspended above the river. They were oblivious of other diners as they enjoyed the flounder à la Parisienne, a house specialty.
After finishing their meal they continued to linger over an excellent California chardonnay as they held hands and watched the sun slip behind the mountain. The glorious sunset, the bouquet and flavor of the wine, and the soft music playing in the background created a romantic ambiance on an evening where merely being together was the only catalyst needed for their romance.
The lights that flickered on at dusk sent ever-changing patterns dancing over the river’s surface. Across the river, a mountain soared like the vertical façade of a Manhattan skyscraper. High
above the glow of valley lights, the newly risen harvest moon painted ominous shadows across its face.
When they left the restaurant, most of the day-trip tourists had already left the valley. The few who were staying overnight were either still dining at the local restaurants or already closeted inside their hotels. As Dex and Marie walked toward their car, the moon provided the only illumination of the almost deserted streets.
During the busy tourist season, evening is always a welcome respite from the daytime turmoil. The retail establishments begin closing as soon as the crowds start to drift away, and serenity actually reigns for a few hours before the torrent of tourists begins anew at first light. The back street where Dex and Marie had left their car had been parked bumper to bumper when they arrived, but very few other cars remained when they returned.
Words are often superfluous between lovers, and Dex and Marie were silent as they enjoyed the crisp Tennessee evening while slowly strolling hand-in-hand toward their car. Dex was preoccupied with a romantic reverie in which passion had been too long deferred, but his daydreams were quickly extinguished when without any warning a man leaned out of the window of a parked car, pointed a pistol in their direction, and pulled the trigger.
Chapter 1
The ambush in downtown River City was just the latest in a series of tragedies that had besieged Dex. The first time he ever thought of his own mortality was the day he became a target. He was eighteen years old and a couple of months shy of high-school graduation. Dex and his friend Hoagie had been on the mountain spying on a moonshine operation when they were surprised by a sniper who was providing security for the operation.
Despite the tragedy of losing both parents at an early age, Dex had in many ways lived a charmed life as a handsome, affable teenager with superb athletic skills. He grew up in the foothills of the mountains surrounding River City, and together with his two closest friends, Marie and Hoagie, he had been exploring the mountains since early childhood.
None of their classmates could understand the relationship between Dexter “Dex” Martin, the handsome, charismatic quarterback of the football team, and the shy, studious Tom “Hoagie” Hogan. They were polar opposites in looks, personality, and about every other way, but they had been best friends since the fourth grade.
Dex was six foot four with broad shoulders and a narrow waist, and he moved with the supple grace of a natural athlete. His close-cropped blond hair, perpetually bronzed skin, and mischievous smile made his lifeguard stand at the country club pool a natural gathering place for the club members’ teenage daughters.
His friend Hoagie was short, pudgy, and anything but agile. His face was liberally sprinkled with freckles, and even his unruly tangle of red hair couldn’t conceal ears that protruded like the open doors of a New York taxi. He studied a lot, played the tuba in the high-school marching band, and was somewhat introverted. The few dates he had were arranged by girls who wanted to go out with Dex so much that they would talk a friend into a double date with Hoagie.
When he wasn’t with Dex, Hoagie spent his time in the band room or the school library. He had no desire to waste time with the clueless, would-be jocks who hung around Dex. Most people thought of Hoagie as a nerd, and he would have no doubt been an easy mark for the school bullies; however, his friendship with Dex kept him in protective custody. No one dared mess with Hoagie.
Ever since the boys’ elementary school days, the wooded slopes, streams, and cliffs of the mountains had been the friends’ backyard playground. Until she moved away, Marie was usually with them on their regular trips to the mountain. They scaled the rock cliffs, swung from trees on ropelike vines, and when Marie wasn’t along, they hiked to Mystic Lake to swim nude in the pool below the waterfall. And although they would have been grounded for life if they had ever been caught, they also surreptitiously explored several of the mountain’s numerous uncharted caves.
When they were younger, the three friends played cowboys and Indians in the foothills, but as they grew older, the mountain became the venue of far more interesting activities. At the annual Baptist church outing on the mountain, thirteen-year-old Dex stole his first kiss from perky Bunny Fountain. At least, he thought it was stolen. He didn’t know that Bunny, with the encouragement of her girlfriends, had carefully orchestrated his initiation to romance.
Over the years, several neighborhood kids were abandoned on the mountain in one of Dex and Hoagie’s elaborately planned hunts for the nonexistent snipe, a bird that has never been seen in the mountains of Tennessee. The victims didn’t realize it was a hoax until they found themselves stranded and had to stumble down the mountain alone after dark. And in what clearly delineated a rite of passage, three days after getting his driver’s license, Dex and Laura Dean Adams steamed up the windows of his grandmother’s Chevrolet while parked on one of the mountain’s abandoned logging roads.
Although they knew the mountain’s fabled history, Dex and Hoagie staked out each trail and cliff as if they were the first to discover them. The entire mountain range had been violently disgorged from the earth’s core by a great prehistoric earthquake, and over the years nomadic tribes, European-born settlers on their western migration, and Cherokees trudging along on the Trail of Tears had all passed through the mountains. But the mountains that towered over River City were perhaps best known for having been a blood-soaked battleground in a war where brother fought brother to determine the fate of a still-struggling nation. Throughout recorded history, the foothills of the southern Appalachians had at various times been the setting for stunning victories, devastating losses, great joys, and mournful sorrows.
If he had been asked, Dex couldn’t have explained why he and Hoagie continued their Saturday morning expeditions. It was just that the mountains were there, and they always climbed them. They knew where the wild muscadine vines grew and when the high-ridge persimmons ripened from dreadfully bitter to saccharine sweetness. They could easily locate several raccoons’ den trees and groves of hickory nut trees where the squirrels congregated to feed. They had discovered these things when they were in elementary school, and even now as high-school seniors they still returned to the mountains almost every weekend.
As Dex raced toward adulthood, the mountains surrounding River City were omnipresent in his life. They were where he went with friends for recreation, but they were also his sanctuary when he wanted to spend time alone.
Chapter 2
An unusually cold winter ended, the spring rains were behind them, and the days were getting longer and warmer as summertime gradually drew near. Dex and Hoagie started their climb up the mountain just after dawn, and by midmorning, they were standing on the escarpment overlooking their valley neighborhood.
In the past century, the valley had evolved from pastoral to mostly urban, but the mountains had changed very little. In the fall of 1863, Confederate soldiers stood on the escarpment near where Dex now stood and looked down at the garrison of Union forces that foretold the looming battle to control the high ground.
From his vantage point at the crest of the mountain, Dex looked down and saw a spiral of smoke lazily curling skyward through a canopy of hardwoods. The smoke was a sure indication that the area’s ubiquitous mountain men had fired up another still and were cooking a batch of what was variously known as white lightning, corn liquor, or moonshine.
Most people were sensible enough to avoid the moonshine operations; Dex and Hoagie not only didn’t try to avoid them, but they actively sought them out. When they spotted the smoke on that particular morning, it was as if their adventure for the day had been preordained. They couldn’t resist the temptation of getting up close and personal.
Dex said, “Okay, Hoagie, now we get some excitement.”
Hoagie smiled. “And I thought this was just going to be another day in paradise.”
Everything Dex knew about moonshine he had learned from overhearing adult co
nversations, since he had never tasted it or any other alcoholic drink. He had been told that the popularity of the sweet-smelling booze was related more to cost than taste, since it was distilled from cheap, readily available ingredients and was not encumbered by taxes or regulatory oversight. It was also far more potent than legal liquor, and that made it the mountain man’s ideal answer for a cheap Saturday night drunk.
Dex had heard that helicopter surveillance had significantly reduced the production of moonshine in Tennessee, but he had stumbled across enough of the clandestine operations over the years to know that they had not completely disappeared. The process hadn’t changed in a hundred years. It was still surreptitiously produced in crudely designed stills, and bootleggers still delivered it to the distribution points. The vehicles they used had been improved, but they still preferred older, nondescript cars equipped with oversized engines that allowed them to beat the deputy sheriffs in high speed chases to the county line.
Dex and Hoagie climbed down from the escarpment and traversed the face of the mountain until they were close enough to detect the sweet smell of the “recipe.”
At that point, Dex grabbed Hoagie’s arm and whispered, “Okay, Hoagie, no more talking. Stay behind me, and don’t make any noise.”
Hoagie nodded a response, and they resorted to hand signals as they slowly crept into position behind an outhouse-sized boulder. Peeking around it, they could clearly see the moonshine operation nestled under a canopy of century-old hardwoods. The trees most likely protected it from helicopter surveillance. A small spring bubbled up beside the still and supplied the water needed in the process. A mountain laurel thicket concealed the still from a nearby trail. From ground level, it was essentially undetectable, but when it was in operation, the smell of fermenting corn was a dead giveaway.